If you’re an instrument-rated pilot looking for a supportive community and resources to further your skills, consider becoming a member of Instrument Pilots Unite (IPU). Our organization is dedicated to promoting safety and proficiency among instrument-rated pilots, and we offer a range of benefits to our members, including access to educational resources, networking opportunities, and community events. To learn more about how to join, reach out to your flight school for information to explore the benefits of membership.

Instrument Pilots Unite partners with flight schools and instructors to provide the best resources and opportunities for our members. We understand the importance of having a supportive community that can offer advice and guidance on navigating the unique challenges that come with being an instrument-rated pilot. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a new pilot looking to improve your skills, our organization can provide the resources and community you need to thrive. Don’t miss out on the chance to join our community of instrument pilots and gain access to the resources and support you need to take your skills to the next level.